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5 Benefits of Being Proficient in Foreign Languages

by S-tilo YJ 2023. 7. 29.

5 Benefits of Being Proficient in Foreign Languages


*This article was written from a Korean perspective.


I won't be referring to others' opinions at all; I will present the content 100% based on my own feelings and experiences.




1.    The Doors of Opportunity Swing Open


I plan to write a separate article about how I unlocked new opportunities through foreign language proficiency.


In short, my language skills landed me an internship opportunity and allowed me to secure a position at the company I most desired to work for at the time (Samsung C&T), despite my relatively average academic record. Later, I pursued a graduate program in Interpreting and Translation, providing me with a chance to become a professional in the field.


During my employment, various opportunities arose, including the possibility of being assigned to specialized teams in specific regions.




 2.     Travel Abroad with Ease and Enrichment


Some of you may already know this. Simply by being able to express yourself in English, you can experience so much more during your travels, all within the same amount of time and budget, while enjoying greater comfort abroad.


This is because your ability to prevent and handle challenges while abroad increases, and achieving proficiency in a foreign language gives you a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem, further motivating you to study the language diligently.


By resolving language barriers, your travel possibilities expand, time zone differences become manageable, and the amount of information you can absorb through your eyes and ears changes dramatically, leading to more frequent interactions with locals and fellow travelers.




3.    Access to Abundant and Engaging Information


In our youth, we tend to believe that home and school encompass everything in the world.

However, as we enter college or the workforce, we gradually realize that there is a wealth of high-quality information, data, and captivating content beyond our borders.


South Korea's population is approximately 50 million, and Korean is only a native language in South Korea and isolated North Korea.


What I want to stress is that amidst the influx of new information, trends, and content pouring in from all over the world, the amount of information accessible solely with Korean language skills is severely limited.




In the past, when the internet and large platforms didn't exist, the difference was minor. But now, we live in an era of vast content, which the world disseminates through prominent platforms.


By possessing the ability to search, read, listen, and watch in a foreign language, you can access higher quality and more interesting information faster than others, all without feeling time diference, right from the comfort of your own bedroom.




4.    It becomes a hobby and a valuable skill on its own


Mastering a foreign language is not only a rewarding hobby but also a valuable skill.


Foreign languages have a unique advantage in being easily connected to other hobbies or skills.


For instance, reading in the original language, watching movies or dramas without subtitles, traveling abroad, enjoying YouTube content in areas of interest, and more.


When all five senses are engaged, learning a foreign language becomes a leisure activity that optimizes time and space, becoming a readily applicable skill when needed.




5.    Expanding perspectives and horizons in thinking and human relationships


Those who haven't experienced this value may find it difficult to grasp easily.


It's true that even by speaking only Korean, many individuals can be creative and have diverse relationships in Korea.


However, I'm not talking about having a 'relatively' broader perspective than others; I'm referring to an individual's ability to expand their own way of thinking and horizons in human relationships.





As one gains more experience in traveling or living abroad, personal experiences and observations accumulate, leading to insights that allow for comparisons and analysis of a country and its people's characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses in relation to Korea or other countries.


Observing Koreans abroad also provides a fascinating opportunity to view one's own people more objectively.


These experiences often come as a revelation, evoking feelings of pride or shame, and leading to a change in mindset.


Moreover, conversing in the same language with travelers or students from different countries who share similar interests offers a chance to exchange thoughts and lifestyles of a completely different nature compared to Koreans.


The opportunity to make friends with such individuals, whether online or offline, is an additional benefit.




This post turned out longer than expected, but I believe I've effectively conveyed the message I wanted to share.


Certainly, there are numerous other benefits of being proficient in foreign languages, but I've only presented some of the most representative ones.


I hope this post resonates with some and proves valuable to others.



한국인이 외국어를 공부해야만 하는 이유

한국인이 외국어를 공부해야만 하는 이유 외국어, 이 녀석은 10대 때는 우리를 시험으로 괴롭히고, 청년기에는 자존감을 떨어뜨리고, 이후에도 우리를 평가하는 기준이 되어 늘 스트레스의 주범

